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Luxury Hot Water Botlle

This hot water bottle is covered with 100% polyester fleece. It's very long and will give you all the warmth you need this winter. This bottle holds over 2.85 quarts of water! The rubber content will keep your water hot longer so you can relax. This bottle can be double as a cold pack. Made with quality materials and it is not made with any BPA's. The leak free design is made to keep you warm and comfortable. It comes in a gift box which means it is ready to be given away as a gift and you can use one for yourself. My picture does no justice for this product. Please see more photos on the actual page. This water bottle is very long so you can just about use it anywhere and it will cover a decent amount of your body. The company offers a money back guarantee if you are not satisfied. #peterpanhotwaterbottle

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